MusiClub acts during CERN Open Days 2019

CERN Open Days

MusiClub is happy to announce that some of its bands will be performing during a big public event in September 2019. CERN Open Days ( will happen on Sat 14th and Sun 15th of September. Look for the music in the 'International Village', near the Restaurant1, where the stage full of music will be shared with animations and discussions (Ask an Expert Q&A, and discussions on the Future Circular Collider). 

13:00 Cover Ops
14:30 The Canettes Blues Band
16:00 The Honey Pot
17:30 The Gipsy Boffins

SUNDAY 15th Sep
13:00 Danegeld
14:30 The Curious Crowd
16:00 Miss Proper and the Moving Targets
17:30 Lasha