Thanks to everyone who participated in and came to the 2010 Hardronic Music Festival. We are already making plans for next year’s event to be even bigger and better!
Did you miss your favorite act or want to hear them, again? The videos came out great, this year and many bands are posting them to the web —
- You can visit the What’s Next? YouTube channel for Hardronic videos.
- Physt has also put videos up on YouTube, although they don’t have a channel. Start with their first song of the night and follow the related videos from there.
- The Orange Deal has 3 videos you can view:
- NEW! -
- Hardronic photos from Alison Arnold
- photos of Miss Proper and the Moving Targets and The Almighty D’anglerz!
Thanks to Christoph BALLE for posting his pictures of the Festival.
Here are some photos of The Almighty D’anglerz.
I’ll post more links as they arrive to me (send them in, guys!!)