Hey there Hardronicizers!
The calendar has flipped and it’s time to start planning the next Hardronic Music Festival. The first step is to find out how many bands want to play the festival on 20 July.
If your band would like to play AND help plan and run the Festival, please drop me a note (gboyd at cern dot ch) with:
Band name
Band members
A link to your music, if you are new to the Festival.
The jobs your band has committed to helping with - see spreadsheet.
Please keep in mind that all band members for applying bands must be paid members of the CERN Musiclub.
Rusty Boyd
Hardronic Engineer
The Hardronic Music Festival is held every year on the Patio of Restaurant 3 at the Prevessin site. Although it began as a generic music festival 23 years, ago it now features the best blues, rock and pop bands in the CERN Musiclub. The festival is produced and run by Musiclub members, friends and family. Featuring a warm atmosphere, great music and wonderful food, the Festival has in recent years also doubled as the CERN Summer Student party, with students pitching to help, too. All the CERN staff, users, visitors, students, family and friends are invited to join in the biggest and best party at CERN.
For examples of the great music and fun we have, search Youtube for “Hardronic”.