MusiClub Annual General Meeting - 20th March 2024

Dear all,

You are invited to the next Annual General Meeting of the CERN MusiClub will take place on Wed 20th March at 18:30 in the Large Locale* (566/R-001).

A Zoom link will also be available for those who cannot make it on-site. But please keep in mind that the internet connection and audio quality from within the room may not be optimal. We will try to make sure all voices are heard, but we encourage you to attend in person if possible.

The meeting agenda will be structured as follows:

  1. A word from the President
  2. Treasurer's report and approval of accounts
  3. Board elections
  4. Future events
  5. AOB

If you have any other club matters that you think should be discussed, please let us know before the AGM. And of course, what's a meeting without some refreshments? We'll have beer and snacks available for all attendees in person.

In recent years attendance of the AGM has been very poor and we have only had around 10, out of more than 150, club members attending. Holding this annual meeting is requirement under the club's statute, we would therefore ask everyone to make an effort to attend!

As always, during the AGM we will be electing the MusiClub board for 2024. This year, exceptionally, all three positions on the board (President, Treasurer and Secretary) will be vacant and we need volunteers to take on these roles!

All club members who have an affiliation with CERN are therefore encouraged to step up for the board elections for any of these positions. We invite you to contact us by e-mail before the AGM if you are interested in one of these positions.

In case we cannot elect a board at the AGM, continued operation of the club and access to the locales will not be possible!

Hope to see you all there!

    Greg, Marta & Tom
    your MusiClub board

* Apologies to Nameless and Diracula for stealing half an hour of each of your slots!