IMPORTANT: CERN MusiClub Booking Sheet RULES policy changes

The CERN MusiClub, in the 2009 AGM and again in the 2009/2010 Board Meeting, approved changes to the booking sheet rules.  They are as follows:

  1.  You may only book one HIGH-USAGE spot per week.
  2. HIGH-USAGE spots are Monday through Friday from 12h00-14h00 and again from 18h00-0h00.
  3. All other spots, outside the times stated above, are available for multiple bookings.
  4. You must alert everyone on the mailing list, IMMEDIATELY when bookings are not going to be used, CANCEL* your rendezvous, if possible.
  5. Please do not book a “regular rehearsal spot” more than 2 months in advance. This allows for new bands to get the High-Usage and/or prime weekend spots from time to time as well.
  6. These rules will be used in both

*discussion is ongoing about shortening the window for cancellations, it is currently set at no less than 48 hours before the rehearsal spot begin.

WIRED4FAME 2010!!!

Every Friday night is the same…come home tired from work, fix some food or go grab a bite to eat and then what? home? some lame disco? that same movie you’ve seen at least 3 times? HELL NO!!! You have a better choice….COME TO WIRED4FAME at Undertown in Meyrin. 7 rockin bands, free entry and inexpensive drinks…I mean, think about it…a night to remember(or not, depending on how many beers you put back)!!!

Doors open at 20H with The Nearlies starting up at 20h15. Rockin’ don’t stop until What’s Next? completes their set at 01:30. 

Come out and support CMC…your ears will only bleed for a couple of days! LOL

Upcoming Events in 2010

Prepare your agendas, here are the upcoming CERN Musiclub events:

  • Music on the lawn - Saturday 26 June
  • Hardronic Festival - Friday AND Saturday 16 & 17 July
  • Undertown Festival (Meyrin) - September or October
  • CERN@The Scene (Geneva) - TBA
  • Fifteen minutes of fame - December
  • Wired4Fame - February or March 2011, Undertown in Meyrin (check back for further details)

More news soon !