IMPORTANT: MusiClub closure from Monday 6th December

Dear members,

As you may have seen from the CERN official communication, as of Monday 6 December, CERN will be moving to COVID Level 3 - Orange.

This unfortunately means that all club activities are forbidden on site once again, so we are forced to shut the doors of our rehearsal locales as of next week. As a result, we have cancelled all bookings blocked all slots in the booking sheet until further notice.

It may not be the end of the year we expected, but we hope that 2022 will be a better year for all of us and that we can open the locales again as soon as possible. We will let you know as soon as we have news.

We take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and healthy Christmas break.

Greg, Pedro and Tom
  your MusiClub board

MusiClub Re-opening

Dear all,

Over the past months we have been working with HSE workgroup responsible for ensuring that all CERN premises and activities are safe for personnel. After some iterations, we finally came to an agreement for the measures required to safely open both locales.

It is important to stress that all members must strictly follow the rules to prevent a situation where we are forced to close our doors again.

Rules for the LARGE LOCALE:

  • Only club members can use the room.
  • A maximum of 8 people are allowed in the room at the same time.
  • Members have to reserve the slots via the MusiClub Booking System. The reservations will be used for contact tracing in the event of new COVID cases breaking out.
  • All members must use the alcohol solution by the entrance of the locale to disinfect their hands.
  • Everyone (including singers) must wear masks at all times.
  • All singers must use their own microphones.
  • The use of wind instruments (including harmonicas, etc) is forbidden.
  • All members must stand at least 1.5m from each other.
  • All windows must remain opened during the practices.
  • Each band must nominate a responsible person who must make sure that all sanitary rules are respected during the rehearsals. We ask all bands to reply to us and nominate a responsible person in charge of enforcing the rules mentioned above.
  • Used masks should be thrown in the specific bin
  • Please note that there is a new automatic gate at the entrance to the clubs zone. Outside of working hours, access is only available with a CERN badge. For members who do not have a CERN registration, after 19h or at weekends you will need to ring the guards on the intercom and ask for permission to enter. Otherwise please contact us to arrange an external registration to get an access card.

Rules for the SMALL LOCALE:

  • Only club members can use the room.
  • Only ONE person is allowed in the room - so for solo practices only.
  • Members have to reserve the slots via the MusiClub Booking System. The reservations will be used for contact tracing in the event of new COVID cases breaking out.
  • All members must use the alcohol solution by the entrance of the locale to disinfect their hands.
  • Even though you are alone in the locale, members should wear a mask at all times.
  • The use of wind instruments (including harmonicas, etc) is forbidden.
  • Used masks should be thrown in a specific bin close to the entrance of building 52.
  • As there is no ventilation in the small locale, a new schedule was put in place to comply with CERN COVID rules. The new slots are:
    • 07h-09h
    • 12h-14h
    • 17h-19h
    • 22h-24h
  • Note that the 3h gap between slots is mandatory in order to be compliant with COVID rules. Use of the room during these mandatory gaps may result in unwanted consequences.

Note that in the Large Locale regular slots are still reserved for bands that had them in previous years. We know that a lot has changed in the last year, so please log in to the booking system and update your bookings if you do not plan to keep using these slots.

We ask all bands to reply to us and nominate a responsible person in charge of enforcing all rules mentioned above. We remind you that all bands without a responsible person will not be allowed to use the room.

After a big break, we would also like to thank you all for your patience and comprehension regarding the current situation.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with us.

the MusiClub board,
Greg, Pedro and Tom

MusiClub & CERN Level 2 news

Dear all,

We hope you are all doing OK.

As you may be aware, CERN's COVID level dropped to "level 2" on the 19th of July:

At this level, indoors on-site club activities are authorized subject to compliance with a set of sanitary instructions. We are currently working on a solution for this so that we can have the rehearsal rooms available again. Until this procedure is complete and the measures approved, access to the rooms unfortunately remains blocked.

Furthermore, we would like to inform you that, during the closure, the floor of the large locale has been repaired and we are now restoring the room with all the equipment that you need to play. By the time we figure out all the sanitary instructions needed for the club to function again, the rooms will be fully ready for you!

In the meantime, we ask you to be patient for a few more days, having in mind that you will hear from us as soon as we have news.


Greg, Pedro, Tom

MusiClub Annual General Meeting - 18th Mar 2021

Dear all,

The next Annual General Meeting of the CERN MusiClub will take place on Thu 18th March at 18:00. The decision of pushing the AGM to early Spring was discussed and voted during our previous AGM held on the 21st October 2020. The meeting will be held via Zoom.

Since the club has been closed, the meeting agenda will be (again) rather short:

  • MusiClub news (renovation status and plans)
  • Treasurer's report and approval of accounts
  • Board elections
  • AOB

If you have any other club matters that you think should be discussed, please let us know before the AGM.

During this AGM we will be electing the MusiClub board for the next year. Therefore, all club members who have an affiliation with CERN (staff members, users, contractors, alumni, and retirees) are encouraged to step up for the board elections.

    the MusiClub Board (Greg, Pedro, Tom)

MusiClub Annual General Meeting - 21st Oct 2020

Dear all,

The next Annual General Meeting of the CERN MusiClub will take place on Wed 21st October at 18:00 over Zoom.

Since the club has been closed for most of 2020, the meeting agenda will be rather short this time:

  • Treasurer's report and approval of accounts
  • MusiClub news (renovation status and plans)
  • COVID related restrictions/plans for the club's re-opening
  • Membership fees for 2021
  • Board elections
  • (Possible) MusiClub events for 2021
  • AOB

If you have any other club matters that you think should be discussed, please let us know before the AGM.

As always, during this AGM we will be electing the MusiClub board for the next year. As some of you may know Arek, the club's secretary and Hardronic coordinator, will be leaving CERN in November. Therefore, all club members who have an affiliation with CERN (staff members, users, contractors, alumni, and retirees) are encouraged to step up for the board elections.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Arek for his great contribution to the MusiClub over the past years.

    the MusiClub Board (Greg, Arek, Tom)

*COVID19 Update* News on resumption MusiClub activities

Dear All,

Following the most recent ED (enlarged directorate meeting) the date for resumption of in person club activities (whose activities take place within the CERN perimeter) has been postponed to early November, depending on the evolution of COVID-19.

Prior to resuming activities, clubs will need to prepare a health plan, outlining all the measures they are taking to prevent members from contracting/potentially spreading the virus. The preparation of such a plan for MusiClub is ongoing and we will communicate it at the later stage.

FYI you can find the CERN Hygiene measures here:

Swiss Federal Office of Public Health:

Please also consult your specific federation for any additional measures to be taken.

Access to the barracks for club activities is not permitted.

MusiClub board

MusiClub summer events update: Hardronic 2020 cancelled, Music on the Lawn postponed

Dear MusiClub members,


  1. The evolution of the situation on the CERN sites, especially access and gatherings restrictions, cancellation of the summer students and some other (audience-bringing) programmes.
  2. Cancellations of other summer festivals in the area (Paleo, Guitar en Scene, etc).

We have taken the decision to also cancel Hardronic 2020.

Image removed.

We aim to come back in 2021 with the usual, high energy music.

Music on the Lawn, which was planned for mid June, has also been postponed for the time being. If the situation allows, we will hopefully organise it in early autumn.

Stay safe, stay healthy,
    the MusiClub board

COVID-19 Important Update: CERN MusiClub closed until further notice

Dear MusiClub members,

We have just received an update from the CCC and CERN management regarding the restrictions placed on the clubs to limit the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

Starting from TOMORROW (11th March) and until further notice "the activities carried out by the Clubs on the CERN site are suspended".

Please note that access to the MusiClub locales is not permitted to anyone during this time.

We count on the cooperation of all members in this matter.

Thanks for your understanding,
    the MusiClub board


CERN MusiClub - COVID-19 - Informations Importantes/Important Information

Dear MusiClub members,

Please find below important information from the Clubs Coordination Committee regarding the partial closure of the CERN Clubs in order to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

From Monday 9th March and until further notice:

"Only people working on the CERN site and retirees shall participate in CERN Club activities. (family members and external club members requested to desist from club activities). The reason behind this decision is because the Organization only has a direct line of communication and link with this community."

This restriction includes all usage of the MusiClub locales for individual and group rehearsals. We count on the cooperation of all members in this matter. We apologise for the late notice but, as we are sure you can understand, the situation is evolving rapidly.

We hope you understand,
    the MusiClub board
