Summer festivals in 2019

This summer the CERN MusiClub is organising two rock concerts at CERN. Both will feature many fine CERN bands, and admission to both is FREE!!!

The first concert is Music on the Lawn, which will take place on the terrace of restaurant 1 on the Meyrin site on the afternoon of Saturday 15th June.  Six of the MusiClub’s finest bands will be playing live. The music starts at 14h00.

The second event is the, now legendary, HARDRONIC Festival, which will take place on Saturday 20th July behind restaurant 3 on the Prevessin site. This festival will feature all of the MusiClub’s best bands, plus the club’s DJ section. Two stages will ensure the action will be non-stop through the afternoon and evening.  As usual food and drink will be on-sale, with all proceeds going to charity.

The CERN MusiClub would like to thank the CERN Management and the CERN Staff Association for their continued, and invaluable, support, without which it would not to be possible organise either of these events for the whole CERN community.

Hardronic 2015: A Call for Heroes II

Dear Musiclub fellows,

The chosen date for the Hardronic 2015 is the 8th of August, with the biggest number of available volunteers as well as bands.

Today I have been really busy but I hope tomorrow evening I will have time to start organizing stuff and give you more information about what's next.

I would like to thank all of you that volunteered. I am sorry for the people that cannot make it the 8th and I really hope that you will be able to take part in other events like the Music on the Lawn or even Hardronic 2016.

Kind regards,



Dear Musiclub fellows,

We had the first Hardronic 2015 meeting last Friday so the first thing we have to do is to decide the date for the Hardronic. The proposed dates are:

  • Saturday 25th July
  • Saturday 08th August

Here's an open doodle to give your opinion about the dates . Please participate only if you are willing to volunteer! The goal for us is to choose the date with the biggest amount of volunteers to help us to organize and run the event at the selected date.

We require a minimum of 5 bands/performances for the Hardronic so that is why I am asking as well for bands/performers/djs interested in playing either of those dates to send me a mail with just some basic info. about the band (name, members, etc.) and which of those dates are you willing to perform and, if possible, how long the performance could be. I know it is soon to know if all members of the bands will be available, but please if you are not almost sure that you are going to play on those dates, then do not volunteer as a band right now. We need to know if we can count on a minimum number of bands for a selected date. Just to clarify things: This is not a Plug&Play event, bands/performers are expected to contribute with their members as volunteers during the Hardronic.

I will close the poll next Sunday evening and send a mail with the results on Monday. Please bear in mind that we will take into account the number of bands volunteering via mail as well so the selected date on doodle might not be the selected date for the Hardronic.

The Hardronic will take place in the Prévessin site, behind R3. Same place as last editions and the CERN Open Days.

Last but not least, I would like to thank all the experienced people that are contributing in any way: every tip and every helping hand are extremely helpful.



Minutes of the CERN MusiClub AGM 8th April 2015

Present: M Borgia, D Vasques Ribeira, A Thornton, P Vichoudis, S Leonisinis, D Manglunki, C Degeorge, D Momsen, C Thomas, N Adams, S Baird, V Krebs.

  1. Summary of MusiClub activities during 2014
    • The following new equipment was purchased during 2014; PA for DJ events and parties; Recording equipment and mixer for 566; 2 new floor monitors (1 old floor monitor failed); Two sets of LED stage lights
    • The following club activities were organised during 2014; 5 DJ club concerts at Restaurant 1; Music on the Lawn 28th June at restaurant 1; concert for the CERN Rugby club tournament on 27th September.
  2. The Treasurer presented the Club accounts for 2014, which were verified by P Vichoudis and D Vasques Ribeira. The accounts were approved and will be sent to the CCC.
  3. S Baird, D Manglunki & C Thomas were proposed as Club President, Secretary and Treasurer, and were elected.
  4. The following events for 2015 were discussed
    • Concert for the CERN rugby club tournament on 9th May. So far only 1 band have offered to play. If we can find a second band the concert will take place.
    • Concert for the Staff association 60th anniversary on 21st May at CERN. 1 band is def
    • It was agreed that the annual Music on the Lawn concert will take place at Restaurant 1 on Saturday 13th June (a call for bands will go out shortly)
    • D Vasques Ribeira & A Thornton will organise a dedicated MusiClub meeting to see if enough support can be found to organise a Hardronic this summer. V Krebs offered to help them. S Baird will send them a “things to do list” from previous Hardronics as a guide.
    • P Vichoudis asked about the possibility of organising gigs in collaboration with local clubs. The Scene and Undertown are two possibilities. S Baird will contact the Scene and V Krebs will try to find some contact information for the Undertown
  5. Any Other Business
    • D. Mommsen proposed to revamp the MusiClub www site and to host it on another external server. D Manglunki will contact her with info on the current site. Donna will create the new site and submit it for comments and approval to the members and board
    • S Baird will prepare a new cleaning rota for 566
    • It was agreed to look at replacing the drum kit in 566 and buying a new 4 by 10 bass cabinet. S Baird will e-mail club drummers and bass players for input.

Hardronic 2015: A Call for Heroes

Hi all you MusiClub fellows,

I write because I have volunteered to try to coordinate the efforts for the Hardronic 2015 today.

First things first, we will set up a meeting to see who are volunteering for the organization of the event. This is going to be a huge effort and a lot of things will have to be done before and during the Hardronic. In this first meeting we will decide if we have enough manpower to organize the event. If yes, we will propose dates for the event and start designing a list of tasks and a plan.

I suggest having a meeting next week of max. 30 minutes. I have created a doodle to choose the day and hour for the meeting:

I will close the doodle on Sunday morning and send a mail to the list with the result. I will send a reminder as well the day of the meeting.

Please bear in mind if we are not enough people for this first meeting, there will be no further efforts to organize the Hardronic - at least not from me -.

Hope to see you next week, it's going to be fun.



Music On The Lawn 2014

As part of the Fete de la Musique 2014, the CERN MusiClub is organizing Music on the Lawn, an informal concert for Club musicians/bands. The event will take place from 14h00 to 20h00 on Saturday 28th June on the terrace of restaurant no 1.

This year 6 MusiClub bands will be performing…

  • Jo and the Fuzzy Blue
  • Rodrigo’s Jazz band
  • Miss Proper and the Moving targets
  • Danegeld
  • and two others (stay tuned!)

Note from the Secretary of the Club

Hello MusiClub members and potential members,

As of Friday, 22 March, all secretarial duties have been reassigned to Django Manglunki and Viola Krebs (
Django and Viola will be conducting new membership orientations, key returns, and other tasks by appointment only. Please use the email address to make an appointment or ask questions about joining.

CERN MusiClub Secretariat