*COVID19 Update* News on resumption MusiClub activities
Dear All,
Following the most recent ED (enlarged directorate meeting) the date for resumption of in person club activities (whose activities take place within the CERN perimeter) has been postponed to early November, depending on the evolution of COVID-19.
Prior to resuming activities, clubs will need to prepare a health plan, outlining all the measures they are taking to prevent members from contracting/potentially spreading the virus. The preparation of such a plan for MusiClub is ongoing and we will communicate it at the later stage.
FYI you can find the CERN Hygiene measures here: https://hse.cern/content/hygiene-measures
Swiss Federal Office of Public Health: https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/so-schuetzen-wir-uns.html
Please also consult your specific federation for any additional measures to be taken.
Access to the barracks for club activities is not permitted.
MusiClub board